Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 2011-2012

Note:  Please find the following draft minutes of the Enfield PTA. These draft minutes are subject to being amended, extended, and approved by the EVS PTA during it’s next meeting.
EVS PTA December Minutes December 8 2011
November 10 2011 PTA Meeting Minutes
EVS PTA Meeting Minutes October 13, 2011

Meeting Minutes 2010-2011

Note:  Please find the following draft minutes of the Enfield PTA. These draft minutes are subject to being amended, extended, and approved by the EVS PTA during it’s next meeting.

December 2010 Meeting Minutes

November 2010 Meeting Minutes

October 2010 Meeting Minutes

September 2010 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 2009-2010

March 2010 Meeting Minutes

February 2010 Meeting Minutes

January 2010 Meeting Minutes

December 2009 Meeting Minutes

October 2009 Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2009

Meeting Participants: Kris Briand, Jen Seiler, Tina Nadeau, Liz Rizzo, Tammy Poirier, Penny May, Juanisa McDonald, Karen Schifferdecker, Babben Kulbacki, Sarach Schneider, Tracy Cacciatore, Kristin Barnum, Kristen Anderson, Maura Bates, Terry Porreca, Cathy Sullivan, Jennifer Duby, Amanda Cook, Amanda Timlake, Barbara Sturgill, Robert Allen, Richard Crate, Pat Neily

Call to Order

President Kris Briand called the meeting to order at 6:43PM.


Meeting participants were asked to introduce themselves and share who their

child(ren) are at EVS.

Meeting Overview

Kris shared the primary purpose of the meeting is to share an overview of the


Old Business

Membership Report

Jennifer Seiler facilitated a PowerPoint presentation which included:  PTA

trivia, the organizational structure of PTA, the PTA Mission, what our PTA does,

programs and activities, membership benefits, an overview of the EVS PTA


Kris Briand reminded members to pick up an EVS PTA magnet and noted the

goal for reaching 100% participation.

Kris thanked Tina Nadeau for making the beautiful membership and participation


Kris thanked Karen for her help in putting together the Family Fun Nights.  The

first will be on October 23rd.

Vendor Fair

Liz Rizzo shared information about the 2009 vendor fair named “Sweets and

Shopping.”  The event is scheduled for Saturday, October 24th and the Enfield

Community Building.

Teacher Appreciation Penny May shared that she would be coordinating the annual Teacher Appreciation week.  She’s open to suggestions and volunteers.

Principal’s Report

Justin shared that this was among the best starts to a new school year ever.

Teachers and staff did a tremendous job of preparing to welcome your kids…

And the kids have been terrific.

Treasurer’s Report

Kristen Barnum distributed copies of the 2008-09 Annual Report and the current

financial statements.  Kristen provided an overview of how the spreadsheets are


Motion to accept treasurer report Jen Seiler, Seconded by Sarah Schneider



Kris Briand presented amendments to the EVS Bylaws as noted in the agenda.

The executive board recommends amending Article XI Section 1

Liz Rizzo motion to accept.

Juanisa McDonald seconded.

Voting in favor 18 members.

Voting against the amendment, no members.

Motion passes.

The executive board recommends amending Article VIII Section 4. The NH State

PTA recommends this to ensure security in writing checks.

Sarah Schneider made a motion to accept.

Tracy Cacciatore seconded.

In favor 18 members.


Fundraising Information

Tracy Cacciatore shared that we will be doing the Meadow Farm’s Fundraising.

She showed participants the catalog of gifts, magazines, cookies and other

goodies.  Students will be bringing home a packet on Friday, September 11th.

Packets are due back on the 23rd.  The PTA makes 40-50% of total sales.

Students are not required to participate.  The EVS welcomes donations in lieu of


Box Tops

Kristen Anderson facilitated a PowerPoint presentation about the Box Top

program that included information about:  earning cash for our school, three ways

you can help (clip tops from favorite brands, shop online at the marketplace, buy

books through reading room), how to clip the box tops, and a list of the many

participating brands.

EVS was the third ranked school in New Hampshire for box top revenues.


Campbell’s Label Info

EVS does participate in the Campbell’s Soup Labels.  Lisa Gaskin will be

coordinating the program. Kris talked about how the program works – EVS gets

point for each label and is able to order merchandise.

Children’s Stage Adventure

Kris talked about the production that EVS is sponsoring this February break.

Children’s Stage Adventure came to EVS as part of the Summer SPARK

Program in 2007.  There is a wide variety in the 60 roles open to students.  There

will be a performance at the end of the week for the community.

The show will be Oliver Twist.

Kris has contacted Canaan Elementary PTA to see if they are interested in co-

sponsoring the event.  More information in to be distributed as it becomes

available and details are determined.


–          Information about the MVHI Flu Clinics and DHMC Flu Clinics will be posted on our website

–          Claudette Peck shared an update on the Enfield Withdrawal Study.  The study was concluded at the end of August.  Unanimous no. It was determined that it was not feasible for Enfield to withdrawal.  All meeting agendas and minutes are available on the Mascoma Valley Regional School District’s website.

–          The next meeting will be on October 8th at 6:30PM.

Motion to adjourn by Tracy Cacciatore.

Second by Kristen Barnum.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40PM.



June 10, 2009

Meeting called to order:  6:35 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Jennifer Seiler, Sarah Schneider, Julie Weiss (via skype), Justin Benna, Kathryn Labrecque, Lee Mott, Tracy Cacciatore, Liz Rizzo, Juanisa McDonald, Jennifer Duby, Elizabeth Jette, Kristen Anderson, Eileen Kirk, Kris Briand, Tina Nadeau, Kristin Barnum, Claudette Peck

SECRETARY’S REPORT:    Kristin Barnum motioned to accept.  Sarah 2nded the motion.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Lee says we are going forward into next year’s budget with $17,059.76.  Kris mentioned a $50 donation was just received.  Audit will be taking place July 1st, 2009.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Jennifer suggested we send a letter out to all parents summarizing the accomplishments of the PTA 2008-2009.  She will write up the first draft and seek input from other members.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: Tracy asked when she needs to start getting set up for the fall fundraiser.  Tracy also asked if we could consider doing Artworks.  Justin suggested that maybe we consider it as a project we do in the schools vs. a fundraiser.


Joe Bowie Program: Julie Weiss skyped in from London to speak to us about a former Dartmouth Artist-in-Residence program which she is asking EVSPTA to consider financially supporting through the Summer Spark program or another program in conjunction with Hypertherm.  Joe Bowie is trained as a jazz musician and started a foundation that pairs senior citizens and youth in a week-long program which includes drumming and tai chi and other musical arts and movement arts.  Total cost for the program is $10,000, Julie is asking Hyper Therm, but doesn’t know how much she will receive from them.  Given the short time frame for summer, Eileen was suggesting Fall may accommodate more children, others agreed.  Discussed many possibilities of including the community, IRS, and possibly Mascoma High School.  Kristin motioned to commit $1000.00 from the Artist-in-Residency Program budgeted dollars. Liz seconded the motion.  Majority ruled to support the motion. Discussion ensued regarding raising additional dollars to support outside of budget dollars.

Resolution of ’09-’10 budget for Vista:  Vista is a governmental program that employs personnel to come into the school and help out with after-school programming.  Julie had been working on this with IRS and EVS last year, but did not receive acceptance by the program.  She has reapplied this year and is hopeful EVS and IRS will be selected as a host site.  The person hired for this position would work 20 hours per week at EVS, and 20 hours per week at IRS, grant writing, and researching programming and bringing it in.  Julie has applied for a Vista position through the government which primarily funds the position.  The cost from the host site is $5000.  The IRS PTO has committed $2500 for the ‘09-‘10 year, so Julie is asking the PTA to consider committing the remaining $2500.  Eileen mentioned that getting help from a grant writer would make a big difference in securing grant funding for some of the programs.  Plus Time NH finds and interviews the Vista candidates based on what we are requesting. Kristin motioned to amend the budget to support the Vista position with $2500 and take it from the ING account. Eileen seconded the motion.  Majority voted yes to support the motion.

Introductions of New Members: All present went around the table to introduce old and new members.  Kristen Anderson mentioned that she will be trying a new approach to the boxtops next year by using fun sheets for kids to be able to use and tape 10 boxtops per sheet and then turn in sheets rather than counting all individual boxtops.

Summer Spark Update: Eileen confirmed that she will be running the program in both schools as the teachers are willing to take a pay-cut to run it at both EVS and CES.  Eileen is working with Lebanon College and some of their students who may work with a Canaan teacher for mentorship, and may seek some assistance from Lebanon College as an exchange for their training.  Summer Spark will be running July 6th-July31st from 8:30 to 11:30 at both schools.  Eileen is looking for someone to take this project over next year as she will be leaving the district as of July 1, 2009.  The work involved in running this primarily involves the fundraising.

Waste Free Lunch Update: Kathryn reported that she and Claudette went into the schools in May to weigh the garbage that is produced in one say.  71 lbs of garbage were created in one day (Friday—Pizza Day), just in the cafeteria; most of this waste came from milk and milk cartons, food, and plastic ware.  Kathryn and Claudette approached the Café director with some ideas about how to make less waste, i.e. using utensils, a milk dispenser vs. cartons, etc.  The café’ director stated he would look into the cost of some of these things and give the information to Justin to review.

Playground Update: Justin reported that June 20th the playground will be torn up and new mulch will replace the old mulch.

Outdoor Sign Update:

Kathryn updated the group and showed pictures of the roof.  Discussion occurred about having a sign with the school’s name on it with our logo secured to the top of the sign.

Other business

First Family Fun Night (September 2009) Jen Duby announced that she would like to propose the Four Winds volunteers host the event.  Jen Duby explained the Four Winds program and asked for volunteers to consider joining their staff.  Trainings and meetings will occur on Fridays.

Enfield Study to explore leaving the District: Next meeting on Thursday June 11, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. at the SAU office to review education specifications for a new middle school in Enfield.  The exploratory study committee meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:00 at the Mascoma H.S. Library.  An Enfield subcommittee will be meeting additionally to discuss specifics in relation to educating Enfield students. Eileen Kirk announced that she will be resigning from the School Board effective July 1st due to her relocation to Sunapee.  She is looking for a replacement representative from Enfield to fill her position, which is critical at this time given the exploratory study committee’s membership.

ADJOURN:  8:00 p.m.

Next Meeting Scheduled: August 2009 at (date and time to be determined)

Motion to adjourn:     Sarah Schneider

Second:                      Kristin Barnum

Submitted by:            Claudette Peck


EVS PTA MEETING ~ May 13, 2009

Meeting called to order:  6:35 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Kris Briand, Sarah Schneider,  Tracy Cacciatore, Kathryn LaBrecque, Lee Mott,  Justin Benna, Claudette Peck, Kristin Barnum, Liz Rizzo, Crystal Swan, Rick Bousquet, Jennifer Seiler

SECRETARY’S REPORT:    Motion to accept by Justin, Liz 2nded the motion

TREASURER’S REPORT: Discussion regarding income and recent deposits.  Claudette motioned to accept, Liz 2nded the motion.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Jen will not be hosting a membership table at the Family Fun night given there are only 3 weeks remaining.  Jen suggested we charge $4 per adult for the event, and members are free.  Jen reported that there have been 393 hits on our website, with most people viewing Teacher Appreciation week, events site, and meeting minutes.  Jen will continue to accept meeting minutes to post and willing to post meeting agenda.  Jen will update pictures and put some of Teacher Appreciation week with teacher’s permission.


Nominations for year 2009-2010

Kris Briand was confirmed as president, Liz Rizzo confirmed at vice president, Kristin Barnum confirmed as Treasurer, Membership chair will be Jen Seiler, Fundraiser Chair will be Tracy Cacciatore, Volunteer Coordinator will be Sarah Schneider, Hoot newsletter coordinator will be shared by Tina Nadeau & Jen Duby, Teacher Appreciation Chair will be Penny May, Boxtop Coordinator will be Kristen Andersen,  Upromise Coordinator will be Elizabeth Jette

Secretary’s position remains open, but Kris will ask Kathy Bean.

Kris suggested we invite all newly elected members to our June 10th meeting.  Justin suggested that we host an ice cream social for this last meeting of the year, starting at 6:30 p.m.  Justin to invite newly elected people to this meeting.

Teacher Appreciation Day:   Kris updated members on daily events that occurred.  BBQ on Monday, Flowers on Tuesday, Wednesday breakfast, Thursday classroom bags were delivered and staff received manicures and pedicures, Friday a cake was delivered for lunch. Students made banner for Teachers which was hung in the break room.   Teachers were very thankful for all gestures and events put on by the PTA that week.

Approval of Bylaws for submission: Only changes agreed upon at the executive meeting include:  membership fees increase to $5 per member, Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, only one signature is required for check signing by the treasurer. Kristin Barnum motioned to accept bylaws and changes to the bylaws, Eileen Kirk 2nded the motion.


Audit of PTA: Discussion occurred pertaining to an annual audit which will be done by a committee of at least 3 members who can satisfy that the treasurer’s report is correct.  Sarah Schneider, Kristin Barnum and Kris Briand have volunteered to be members of the audit committee, meeting date to be determined and will take place in mid-June.

Budget Surplus Spending: Justin asked to table this discussion until next year.

Summer Spark Update: Eileen is still waiting to hear from some of the grant sponsors to see how/if she will run the program, to what extent and where she may run it.  If the summer spark program does not run, then Eileen will contact Kris Briand to discuss the possibility of using some of the money she has received toward a summer theater program.

Budget Proposal for 2009-2010: Lee presented budget proposal.  She will transfer money from ING account to bring it down to the 50% of operating budget amount and put this into the Arts Programming (formerly called Artist-in Residence) line item projected expense of $6000.  Eileen motioned to accept budget with amendments, Kris Briand seconded the motion.

Outdoor Sign Update:

Justin has spoken to George C. at the SAU office regarding the sign and the permit required by the town to ensure that it does not cause a disruption to the traffic visibility going into or out of the school.  Justin will have an update about this at the next meeting.

Other business

Rick Bousquet: Treasurer of IRS PTO came to explain the current status of the PTO.  He and the board are looking to recruit parents of 5th graders.  The last meeting of year is scheduled for June 9th at 6:30 at the IRS Library.  All board positions are currently open.  Justin suggested we consider having an ice cream social on June 9th with 4th graders and their families.  EVS PTA to send announcements to 4th grade parents inviting them to this meeting.

Enfield Study to explore leaving the District: Next meeting to be held on Tuesday the 19th at 6:00 p.m.

Theater Program:  Kris will wait to hear from Eileen about Summer Spark program

before discussing whether we book the Theater program for February 2010 vacation week.

Enfield Public Library: Sarah proposed that we give $150 to the library for purposes of purchasing new books.  Members agreed to donate these dollars.

ADJOURN:  8:30 p.m.

Next Meeting Scheduled:  June 10thth, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

Motion to adjourn:     Tracy Cacciatore

Second:                      Kathryn Labrecque

Submitted by:            Claudette Peck



April 8, 2009

Meeting called to order: 6:35 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Kris Briand, Sarah Schneider, Tracy Cacciatore, Kathryn LaBrecque, Lee Mott, Jim Gerding, Justin Benna, Claudette Peck, Elizabeth Jette, Crystal Swan, Karin Schifferdecker

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Motion to accept by Elizabeth Jette, Sarah 2nded the motion

TREASURER’S REPORT: Lee provided two documents indicating year-to-date balance of $13, 329 in income and expense of $13, 386. Tracy motioned to accept the report, Kris seconded the motion. Lee asked when next year’s budget should be created and presented. Sarah stated that we should have the 2009-2010 budget ready for the June 2009 meeting.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Kris reported in Jen’s absence and stated that the website is up and running and the money has been sent for the website.


Nominations for year 2009-2010

Sarah asked if anyone wanted to present nominations for new positions for next year. Kris has received a few notices from the letter that was sent home. Kris shared names of parents who had volunteered for positions. Sarah announced that Kris has decided to stay on as President, Sarah will step down and take on Volunteer Chair. Becky Morley will be considering the position as Treasurer. Penny May –Teacher Appreciation, Kris Anderson—Box Tops, Jen Dubie and Tina Nadeau shared—HOOT newsletter, Kris Barnum as possible Secretary, Liz Rizzo as Vice President, Karin Schifferdecker to help with Family Fun Night, Elizabeth Jette—Upromise, Tracy Cacciatore and Crystal Swan to assist with Fundraising. Still in need: “Reflections” chair which would need to start right in September, Jen will remain as membership chair.

Spring Fundraiser Update: Tracy reported about a variance report. Retail $9083, 50 with a profit of $4,057.53. Much appreciation to Tracy for coordinating this.

Teacher Appreciation Day: Sarah shared items that Liz found on Oriental trading related to vases for forcing the bulbs, and bags to put supplies in for each classroom. Discussed buying things at different venues to save money. Looking at doing something each day for the Teachers. Will ask Liz to re-look at new prices for vases.


Elizabeth suggested that we involve the Transfer station attendants to consider adding soup labels to the box top collection, and putting a place for town residents to put their labels. Sarah stated she would look into this with the Transfer station attendees.

Budget Surplus Spending: Justin would like the Flag pole moved and replaced. Once new flags arrive, 4th grade classes would be involved in raising and lowering the flag daily next year. Also will need to move or remove the bike rack that is in the front of the building. Justin discussed a suggestion from the Safety Committee to place a structure (possibly a planter) to better define traffic patterns in the parking lot, in hopes of inhibiting people from parking too close to the building. Karin suggested moving the bike rack to the back of the building so it could still be used. Kris suggested that we look at the columns in front of the building for repair and repainting. Justin stated he has been speaking to the Boy Scouts about possibly doing this as a project. Justin also stated that we may need some P.E. supplies as the current budget will not support it, so he suggested we may need to consider in our budget discussions. Justin will return with more information at next meeting about whether we need to move forward or whether some of these items can be donated, or will need to be budgeted in the next year’s budget proposal.

Outdoor Sign Update:

Kathryn discussed the sign in the front of the building. Kathryn presented a diagram of the sign and opened the discussion up for feedback. Kris had concern that the way the cork board was designed it wouldn’t allow for good visual reading from the road. We discussed making large letters to post on the corkboard. We discussed idea of adding lighting to the plan. Kathryn will work with David Schinlinger at the High School to build the sign frame.

Other business

Playground Mulch: Justin stated that he is having discussions with Chip (afterschool program) and Barry about how to fill in the holes and what to do about it once the weather warms up.

Enfield Study to explore leaving the District: Committee is being formed and first meeting will be held on Wednesday 4/29 at 6:00 p.m. at the high school library. Participation is welcomed.

Eileen told Kris to share with the group that an application is in process to work on obtaining a Vista person for next year.

Summer Theater Program: Children Stage Adventure program (program done last summer as part of Summer Spark). It would cost $5500 to bring the company this summer, they have only 2 weeks remaining that are open this summer. This troupe will be in Grantham in May. Eileen has offered $1000 and an additional $2500 potentially from Summer Spark to fund this program. We discussion of whether to have them come in the summer or during the school year. Elizabeth suggested offering it during the February or April vacation. Kris will look into the schedule of the troupe for 2010 and get back to the group.

Jim Gerding: Expressed thanks for our participation in announcements for Deliberative Session and helping to get the vote out. Also announced about re-negotiation sessions that will be beginning and welcome any participation to public open meetings to School Board meetings.

ADJOURN: 8:30 p.m.

Next Meeting Scheduled: May 13thth, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

Executive Board Meeting tentatively scheduled for Sunday May 3rd, at Sarah Schneider’s House for 2009-2010 budget proposal discussion.

Motion to adjourn: Elizabeth Jette

Second: Tracy Cacciatore

Submitted by: Claudette Peck


March 11, 2009
Meeting called to order: 6:34 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Kathryn Labrecque, Tina Nadeau, Kris Briand, Lee Mott, Jennifer Seiler, Justin Benna, Elizabeth Jette, Tracy Cacciatore, Sarah Schneider, Liz Rizzo, Claudette Peck

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Lee corrected the February meeting notes by stating that there are 115 members not 114 as noted in the February 2009 secretary’s report. Lee motioned to accept the minutes, Liz seconded the motion.

TREASURER’S REPORT: No significant changes. Lee reported that we received $600 for before/after school program. Tracy motioned to accept report, Liz 2nded the motion.


MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Jen recapped the discussion of the website she created (for details see March 8th notes). Jen suggested we pay the $15 annual fee to get our own domain name: “Enfield Village School” currently the words, wordpress are in the URL and if we pay, those words would be removed. Justin motioned to accept the fee to pay for our own domain. Tracy seconded it. Kathryn stated she believed we had a domain name of EVSPTA floating around the internet. Discussion as to whether we should post the bylaws on the website, however, other sites did not seem to post the bylaws. Jen will speak with Crystal Richardson about linking the school website to the PTA website.
Jen asked whether we are a non-profit and needs to know the Fed ID number so that we can print this info. on our membership information. Sarah will get Jen this information.

Upromise: Elizabeth explained the Upromise plan that allows you to register credit cards, and shopping cards with an online Upromise account. Each time you purchase certain products that are connected to Upromise, a portion of your sale goes to your Upromise account OR, it can be linked to a school as a recipient of this account while using the PTA as the holder of the account. Every three months Upromise will send the school a check if the amount is $50 or more. If individuals set up the account they can either allocate the $ to an individual 529 plan for a child, or allocate the $ for the school. Justin will discuss this with the superintendent’s office to see if it’s possible for the school to be a recipient. Liz and Elizabeth volunteered to head this project but will wait to move forward until they hear back from Justin.

Old Business: Waste free lunch tentatively scheduled for the last week in April- May 1st (2 days that week). Claudette and Kathryn will report back with dates.

Spring Fundraiser: Kris reported that she has heard feedback from people stating that they like the products but some are over-priced. Some feedback suggested we offer the baked products during the Fall fundraiser. Tracy will be sending out notices that people MUST pick up items on the date of delivery (the week of April 13th), as many of the items are perishable. Fundraising dates were changed to March instead of April to guarantee that baked goods would be delivered by Mother’s Day.

Lee suggested we consider how we are planning on spending some of the money we have raised. Justin will look into items that he believes we need for the school. Suggestions considered tonight included: flag pole, and popcorn maker. Justin will come with a list of things and bring this to the next meeting.

Little Caesar’s has offered to cook for PTA as a potential fundraising opportunity. They are aware that a fundraiser would not occur until next Fall 2009. They may be on the agenda for next month.
Before and After school programs. 50 children registered for the before school program. PTA was forced to cancel sign language, & chorus due to lack of numbers of students registered. 41 children signed up for the after school program.

Naeir Supplies Club: Kris reported about a surplus catalogue that has items that schools can choose from. Membership fees are involved, but there is no guarantee that we will actually get the $ amount of supplies that would equal our membership fee investment. Will be tabled at this point until the PTA believes it is important.
Nominations and Elections for New PTA officers and Chairs

Open Positions for School Year 2009-2010: Secretary, Treasurer, and Newsletter coordinator.

Sign in front of EVS:Kathryn updated the group on the sign that is being worked on by the high school students. It was suggested that we consider purchasing mountable numbers and letters that are legible from the road to use to announce school-related messages.

ADJOURN: 7:45 p.m.
Next Meeting Scheduled: April 8thth, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.
Motion to adjourn: Sarah Schneider
Second: Jennifer Seiler
Submitted by: Claudette Peck